Dear Students, We are pleased to inform you that the timetable for the summer semester 2024/25 is now available on Wise Timetable ( Please note that the schedule may change daily, so we encourage you to check it regularly. If there are any changes within the next 48 hours, you will receive a notification at your […]
International scientific conference: TEDU25
Prospective students
Study tourism at FT UM
news and info
Dear students of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism, On the occasion of Prešeren Day – the Slovenian Cultural Holiday (8 February) and World Poetry Day (21 March), we invite you to celebrate the rich literary creativity of Slovenia, Europe, and the world by selecting your favourite poems, novel excerpts, or your literary works. […]
The University of Maribor Press has published the textbook Benchmarking – Comparative Analysis in Tourism, authored by Assist. Prof. Dr. Barbara Pavlakovič Farrell and Assist. Nadja Mlakar. This is the first textbook on the Slovenian market dedicated to comparative analysis within the specific field of tourism. The chapters and case studies are written in both […]
We are pleased to announce that the deadline for submitting abstracts for the TEDU25 International Scientific Conference has been extended to February 20th, 2025. This extension provides additional time for researchers and professionals to finalize and submit their abstracts for consideration. For detailed submission guidelines and further information, please visit the official EasyChair page. More […]
The University of Maribor officially commenced the celebration of its 50th anniversary with a ceremony on Rector's Day. During this traditional event, 64 awards and recognitions were presented to individuals who have significantly contributed to the establishment and development of the University of Maribor through their exceptional work, achievements, and merits. We are proud that […]
January 21, 2025, Študentski kampus, Ljubljana (Pivovarniška ulica 6, Ljubljana) The conference is part of the course “The Power of Digital Platforms in Tourism”, led by assoc. prof. Maja Turnšek, PhD, Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor. The 2nd year master’s students of the programme Tourism Destinations and Experiences are expected to select and invite guest […]
New in study year 2022/23: Post-graduate doctoral study porgramme Contemporary Tourism Studies.
And habits are reinforced through established and dedicated activities, which is something we, the Faculty of Tourism, University of Ljubljana, continually strive for when it comes to any aspect of quality. Through various activities, FT UM regularly monitors, evaluates, promotes and ensures the development of a quality system (with the PDCA cycle: plan, do, check, act) in all areas of its functioning.
Quality assurance is our fundamental value as well as a continuous dynamic process that grows and develops along with the Faculty. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders involved in the higher education system. Through numerous actions as part of the infinite process of continuous improvements, we build and provide quality, always.
obvestila za študente
Obvestilo! Uradne ure študentskega referata bodo v sredo, 19. 2. 2025 izjemoma v dopoldanskem času od 8.30 do 10.30 ure. Hvala za razumevanje.

Sona Shaji, Student of Professional Study Programme Tourism (English programme)
Being lucky to get picked up from the airport by the Dean and getting all help to overcome all the obstacles, all the members of FT Team work with their heart and serve such great hospitality to the international students.
Lectures are divided into two parts, main lecture and tutorials, even if you miss the main lecture, never miss the tutorials. The course is more practically oriented not just theoretical, and that's what I love the most.
Studying in Slovenia was entirely a different experience for me. Unlike the common study destinations, Slovenia is a unique country for international students. Slovenia and FT UM will be always in my heart, “The Home Away from Home”.

Aleksa Panić, Teaching assistant Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Singidunum University, Belgrade
My studies at the FT UM taught me about the importance of responsible and sustainable management and planning of tourist destinations. I think that the faculty is highly qualified to teach in the area of green and environmentally-friendly tourism and has outstanding experts, while Slovenia is the best place to see the results of such organising and efforts.
I would like to use what I have learned at FT UM to help improve results in this area in Serbia and to increase awareness of the importance of this approach among young people, especially those who want to be actively involved in tourism.
Collaboration with professors and teaching assistants (participation in international conferences) was also important for my subsequent academic work. They offered me several opportunities to write research papers on tourism which were received with acclaim.

Debora Gambaletta, Erasmus incoming postgraduate student
I was a student in my second year of graduate master's study, I stayed for 6 unforgettable months. I had the opportunity to meet new people from Europe and the world and exchange experiences, learn about other customs and cultures.
Erasmus+ coordinator at Faculty of Tourism was very kind, available at all times and willing to help. I am sure to take advantage of this unforgettable opportunity that will surely change your perception of your life.

Yana Fedyushkina, Student of Professional Study Programme Contemporary Tourism Practices (English programme)
My studies at FT UM turned out to be deeper than I expected. All professors provide extensive coverage of their subjects. Learning is not easy, but it only grows the desire to learn new things.
I am very happy with the opportunity to study online as I am not currently in Slovenia. All classes are perfectly organized, professors instruct in detail about the tasks for the semester, provide all the necessary materials for studies, and conduct classes in an involving way. Therefore, we should only absorb knowledge.
Objavljamo: Sklep o razpisu volitev za člane Upravnega odbora Univerze v Mariboru iz vrst delavcev, ki opravljajo visokošolsko dejavnost, drugih delavcev in študentov Univerze v Mariboru, št. 021/2024/S 446/510-BF z dne 20.12.2024 Obrazci za kandidaturo:Obrazec-1-Vloga-Kandidatura-za-clana-UO-UM-delavci-visokosolska-dejavnost.docxObrazec-2-Vloga-Kandidatura-za-clana-UO-UM-drugi-delavci.docxObrazec-3-Vloga-Kandidatura-za-clana-UO-UM-studenti.docx Objavljamo dopolnitev, 30. 1. 2025: Sklep o spremembi in dopolnitvi Sklepa o razpisu volitev članov UO UM. Volilni imeniki: […]