We would like to inform you that the exam dates for the 2024-25 academic year have been published on the Study-Exams subpage, or you can access them directly via the following link: EXAMS 2024-25 (English programmes). The exam dates will also be entered into AIPS as soon as possible.
student affairs office
Students enrolled in English language programmes should contact Ms Klara Pinterič.
Students may stop by the Office or call during office hours.
or by appointment by phone or e-mail referat.ft@um.si.
Thursdays from 9.30 am – 12 pm
by prior appointment by e-mail: klara.pinteric@um.si.
Student Affairs Office specialist staff:
Head of Student Affairs
Feld of work: applications, enrolment, exams
Field of work: part-time study, International students, English language programmes
The FT UM library is located on the 1st floor of the non-fiction department. In any communication with the Brežice Library, state that you are a student of the Faculty of Tourism.
About the Brežice Library:
You can enrol in the library online, COBISS+ My COBISS Profile, Online enrolment/sign up at: https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/si/en/rsu, select FTBRE - Faculty of Tourism.
Online enrolment is available for students of the University of Maribor (students with valid status). Login with ArnesAAI student identity -> select your home organisation: University of Maribor, a login window will open for you to enter your username and password. After logging in, your data will be downloaded from the UM student database (AIPS), the data will be verified and validated.
Further informations by e-mail: ft.knjiznica@um.si
Students have free access to online resources from the faculty premises. Additionally, students have remote access to various online information sources (scientific periodicals and journals, e-books, etc.) stored at other locations (remote access instructions).
If the materials you wish borrow for your studies or research are not available in the UM FT Library, send an e-mail to ft.knjiznica@um.si. Be sure to include accurate information about the material you are requesting through an interlibrary loan (author, title, publisher, year of publication), in addition to your full name, permanent residence address and membership card number. Interlibrary loan fees are charged according to the price list, while fees for international interlibrary loans depend on the type of service and the provider.
student council
(term of office: 12 November 2024–28 Februar 2025)
Composition of the FT UM Student Council:
1. letnik | Lea Grbac, predsednica študentskega sveta 1. letnika/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
Nedžada Ćoralić, članica študentskega sveta 1. letnika/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
Saša Cvijanović, članica študentskega sveta 1. letnika | |
Mihaela Stanojkovska, članica študentskega sveta 1. letnika | |
Simon Ivanov, član študentskega sveta 1. letnika | |
2. letnik | Vedad Abdagić, predsednik študentskega sveta 2. letnika/ član študentskega sveta fakultete |
Klara Klavs, članica študentskega sveta 2. letnika/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
3. letnik | Dimitar Jovanovski, predsednik študentskega sveta 3. letnika/ član študentskega sveta fakultete |
Ema Omahen, članica študentskega sveta 3. letnika/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
Antonija Klokočovnik, članica študentskega sveta 3. letnika | |
Petra Jurečič, članica študentskega sveta 3. letnika | |
4. letnik | / |
5. letnik | Vanessa Šuler, predsednica študentskega sveta 5. letnika/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
Patricija Zorič, član študentskega sveta 5. letnika/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
Absolventi | Almaida Mizić, predsednica študentskega sveta absolventov/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
Kaja Šetinc, članica študentskega sveta absolventov/ članica študentskega sveta fakultete |
Mark Zgrinskić, član študentskega sveta absolventov | |
Doktorski | / |
Activities of the FT UM Student Council
tutoring and demonstrating
The purpose of the tutoring system is to:
Teacher tutoring is a form of tutoring activity in which tutor teachers advise and assist students regarding their studies, choice of study path, and resolution of other issues related to FT and UM.
Student tutor coordinator | Vedad Abdagić | vedad.abdagic@student.um.si |
Student tutors for English programmes | Anshul Nicholas Lewis | anshul@student.um.si |
Stanislava Kolesnikova | stanislava.kolesniko@student.um.si | |
Elizaveta Buvaeva | elizaveta.buvaeva@student.um.si | |
Student tutors | Anja Raićević | anja.raicevic@student.um.si |
Grbac Lea | lea.grbac@student.um.si | |
Teacher tutor coordinator | Lect. Dr Biljana Božinovski | biljana.bozinovski@um.si |
Teacher tutor | Assoc. Prof. Dr Jasna Potočnik Topler | jasna.potocnik1@um.si |
Teacher tutor | Assist. Mihaela Franjić | mihaela.franjic1@um.si |
Student demonstrator | Course, Instructor |
career centre
Dear graduates and final year students,
We hope that we can continue working with you after you have graduated. We invite you to join the Faculty of Tourism Alumni Club, which encourages networking between students of different generations and helps establish links between graduates, tourism experts and professionals, and the Faculty of Tourism. You are the ones who will shape the future of tourism with your knowledge – and you can participate in the further development of the faculty and its study programmes.
We want you to share your stories and achievements with us! Fill in the registration form and become a member of the University of Maribor Alumni Network. Membership allows you to participate in the activities of the Club and use the e-mail address ime.priimek@student.um.si and the webmail inbox at https://mail.student.um.si.
We encourage members of the Alumni Club to follow the news on the Faculty of Tourism website and social networks, and to attend events and workshops at the faculty during the academic year. Members will also receive invitations to various social events for Faculty of Tourism graduates.
For more information, visit the UM Alumni page.