study tourism
Who are we?
The Faculty of Tourism (FT) is part of the University of Maribor, which is the 2nd largest and 2nd oldest University in Slovenia (Europe) and is ranked among the top four percent of the most prestigious universities in the world on international scales. We offer internationally accredited study programmes and diplomas, credit-evaluated studies, research options, up-to-date knowledge, international experience, a quality study and living environment and personal approach.
The Faculty of Tourism offers 4 different study programmess in Slovenian. Two of them, Contemporary Tourism Practices (undergraduate - professional program, 1st cycle) and Tourism Destinations and Experiences (postgraduate master’s program – 2nd Cycle) are also taught in English.
Where are we?
We are located in Slovenia, in the heart of Europe, which offers an excellent starting point for your study, work and leisure, including travel, research, sports and socializing. Slovenia is known as a safe and well-regulated country, with friendly people, unspoiled nature, and excellent cuisine, and is a great example of a green boutique tourist destination that will surely enchant you.
The main Faculty is located in Brežice, where the Faculty administration is also located and where we conduct full-time studies in Slovenian.
The English study programmes are carried out at the remote unit in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana at the Student Campus.
Why study at Faculty of Tourism?
our students about us
specifics of the study programmes
Field tutorials
Student projects
International mobility
You may also choose to do your internship abroad.
study programmes

Academic study programme
undergraduate programmes
- English
- Ljubljana (English programme)
(Bachelor of Applied Arts, B.A.A.)
Program highlights:
Bachelor of Arts, B.A.
Please note: the information below is relevant for candidates from non-EU Member States and candidates with a foreign previous education. Slovenian and EU citizens please take a look here.
For detailed information, please see the Call for enrolment into undergraduate and second-cycle integrated master's degree study programmes in 2025/2026 academic year, which is available here.
To enrol in the first cycle study programme, candidates must complete the four-year secondary school education and pass the secondary school final exam. Candidates with a certificate of upper secondary education completed abroad must also obtain a Decision on the Recognition of Education Obtained Abroad, which will be obtained ex officio by the higher education application and information service.
In an international environment, sufficient mastery of the English language is crucial for academic and professional success.
Fortunately, there is no English proficiency test required for enrolment.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria may apply for undergraduate study programmes during the application period, which is open three times a year. The electronic application form on the eVŠ web portal is only available during the application period. After the deadlines, applications can no longer be submitted.
Application for citizens of non-EU Member States
I apply as:
- A citizen of non-EU Member State.
Application period | Brief instructions | |
1st | From February 18 to March 18 2025 | Candidates can submit their application for enrollment in the first year of undergraduate and integrated master's study programs EITHER within the deadline for candidates of non-EU countries OR within the deadline for foreign candidates from non-EU countries applying for study programs in English, but not for both deadlines simultaneously! Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll. The decision on the result of the selection process will be uploaded to the eVŠ portal for all candidates. Candidates with a valid application for study programs in English will receive the decision no later than July 14, 2025. All other candidates with a valid application will receive the decision no later than September 2, 2025. |
2nd | From 4 to 5 September 2025 | Candidates may submit up to three applications. In each application, the candidate chooses one study programme for which he fulfills enrolment requirements. Candidates must submit all the required documentation directly to the eVŠ no later than by September 5, 2025. |
For still-available places | From 24 to 25 September 2025 up until 10 a.m. | |
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study | From 1. 9. 2025 to 15. 9. 2025 |
Application for Slovenian and EU Citizens and for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship
I apply as:
- Slovenian or EU citizen.
- Citizen of non-EU member states države nečlanice EU, who is resident in the Republic of Slovenia and who is himself or at least on of his/her parents or guardians resident in the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes until the start of selection procedure.
- A person with recognised international protection status or as an applicant for international protection under the International Protection Act.
- Slovenian without Slovenian citizenship.
Application period | Brief instructions | |
1st | From February 18 to March 18 2025 | Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll. |
2nd | From 20 to 27 August 2025 | |
For still-available places | From 24 to 25 September 2025 up until 10 a.m. | |
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study | From 1. 9. 2025 to 15. 9. 2025 |
Applications for enrolment in 1st cycle study programmes of the University of Maribor have to be submitted online, via the eVŠ web portal.
You may apply with a qualified digital certificate, username and password or an account of the authentication and authorization infrastructure (Arnes AAI account).
Please note that the application is only valid if the candidate pressed the SUBMIT button in eVŠ; otherwise, the application will not be submitted and will thus be rejected by means of an official decision.
In the application and admission procedures, applicants must submit all the evidence required for application, electronically through the eVŠ portal within the deadline of each application period.
After the deadline, changes and cancellations of applications are no longer possible.
Candidates are required to submit all the necessary attachments to the applications electronically through the eVŠ web portal. The instructions for the submission of evidence of fulfilment of the enrolment conditions are available here.
Scanned images or photographs of original certificates and other required documents are deemed to be evidence in the application and admission procedure that the enrolment conditions have been met.
Assistance with entering the application for enrolment (SI-PASS system) is available on e-mail: or by phone: 00 386 1 478 85 90 (from 8:00 AM until 22:00 PM CET during work days).
Required documents for application are (submission of documents is mandatory):
- e-copy or a photograph of an identity document based on the written consent of the candidate (citizens from non-EU countries submit their passports – candidate’s personal data page, where the name, surname, date and place of birth and nationality should be indicated).
- e-copy or a photograph of the secondary school final certificate that the candidate wishes to be recognized for consideration in the application and admission procedure.
- e-copy or a photograph of a court-certified translation of the secondary school final certificate into Slovenian or English. The candidate will be subsequently informed through the eVŠ portal to submit a translation of the final certificate if required by a competent authority.
- e-copies or photographs of evidence of the content and duration of education and obligations performed during education (annual certificates for all years of secondary school). The candidate will be subsequently informed through the eVŠ portal to submit translations of annual certificates if required by a competent authority.
- e-copy or a photograph of a short chronological description of the entire education relevant to the process of applying for enrolment and recognition of foreign education (short description in a few sentences, including the sequence or years of candidate’s previous education).
- additional evidence: the education recognition authority may require the applicant to provide additional evidence if this is necessary for assessment of the application. In this case, the candidate will be informed to submit it later through the eVŠ portal.
After receiving the application and all the required documentation, the University of Maribor will start the recognition of the foreign education procedure.
The authenticity of a copy of the education document will be checked with the issuer of the original document or the competent authority of the country of origin of the document by the higher education institution. If the higher education institution will not confirm the authenticity of the document, you will be required to provide us with the original documents, as stated below:
Candidates with documents issued in countries, signatories to bilateral agreements (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, R of N. Macedonia, R of Serbia) with the Republic of Slovenia and documents issued in the Republic of Croatia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary and Romania, must submit the original of the secondary school final certificate and certified copies of the 3rd and 4th year certificates.
Applicants with documents issued in the Hague Convention countries, must submit the original of the secondary school final certificate (final exam, diploma) legalized by an Apostille and the certified copies of the 3rd and 4th year certificates.
Applicants with documents issued in Non-Hague countries (that have not signed bilateral agreements with the Republic of Slovenia and are not signatories of the Hague Convention) must verify their certificates of completed education (final exam, diploma) in accordance with internal regulations of a specific foreign country, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The stamp and signature of the authorized person of the Ministry of Foreign Affairsof a foreign country must be verified by the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Slovenia abroad, which is accredited for that country or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
Copies of the 3rd and 4th year certificates must be verified by a notary in your country or an official of any administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia.

The process of obtaining the decision on recognition of foreign education will start together with the application submission for enrolment to the first year of study on the eVŠ application portal (application for enrolment will also be treated as the application for recognition of foreign education if the candidate will state in his study application form that he finished his secondary education outside of Slovenia and does not yet have a Decision on recognition of certificates obtained abroad).
1st application period: All candidates with a valid application to study programs in English will be issued a decision on the result of the selection procedure by the 17th of June 2024 at the latest. To other candidates with a valid application, a Decision on t he result of the selection procedure acceptance will be issued until the 2nd of September 2024 at the latest. Candidates will be able to access the Decision on acceptance through the eVŠ portal.
Study programme 1st Cycle | Contemporary Tourism Practices | Tourism: Cooperation and Development |
English programme (for academic year 2025/2026) | € 4690 per academic year | / |
Full-time (Slovenian language, academic year 2025/2026) | € 3330 per academic year | € 3420 per academic year |
English study programmes:
Tuition fees are mandatory for all candidates, regardless of nationality.
Slovenian study programmes:
In accordance with Article 72a of the Higher Education Act (ZViS), citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other European Union Member States are NOT charged the costs of tuition fees for state-approved 1st-cycle study programmes implemented as full-time studies and provided as a public service. The same applies to citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, as well as citizens of countries with which the Republic of Slovenia signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of education (i.e. Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia).
A - državljani/ke Republike Slovenije in državljani/ke držav članic Evropske unije;
B - državljani/ke držav nečlanic Evropske unije, ki imajo stalno bivališče v Sloveniji in so sami/e ali njihovi starši rezidenti RS za davčne namene;
C - osebe s priznanim statusom mednarodne zaščite in prosilci/ke za mednarodno zaščito.
Kandidati/ke naj bodo pri izpolnjevanju prijave pozorni/e , da izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo izpolnjevali/-e pogoje za vpis v posamezni študijski program, sicer se jim študijska želja ne bo upoštevala!
Kandidati/ke lahko v prvem in drugem prijavnem roku po prednostnem vrstnem redu izberejo največ tri študijske programe, v katere se želijo vpisati in za katere izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo do rokov, objavljenih s tem razpisom, izpolnjevali/e pogoje za vpis.
Pomemben je vrstni red izbranih študijskih programov, saj bo pod pogoji, ki so v tem razpisu navedeni v poglavju o izbirnem postopku, kandidat/ka uvrščen/a v prvi študijski program, za katerega bo izpolnil/a vse pogoje.
A - ki se niso prijavili v 1. roku;
B - ki se niso uvrstili v noben študijski program;
C - ki se niso vpisali v noben sprejeti program;
Drugo prijavo za vpis lahko oddajo tudi tisti, ki so se po prvem prijavnem roku vpisali v sprejeti študijski program, vendar so se iz njega izpisali do 17. 8. 2021.
Rok za zapolnitev še prostih vpisnih mest:
V tem prijavnem roku se na prosta vpisna mesta lahko prijavijo kandidati, ki se niso prijavili v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku ali se niso uvrstili v nobenega od v prvi ali drugi prijavi naštetih študijskih programov, in kandidati, sprejeti v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku v študijski program, ki se ne bo izvajal.
V sklopu razpisa za vpis na Fakulteto za turizem v študijskem letu 2021/22 objavljamo naslednje dokumente:
Za več informacij o prijavi in vpisu na Fakulteto za turizem Univerze v Mariboru pridobite na spletni strani moja.UM ali nas kontaktirajte na e-naslov
After submitting the completed enrollment form and signed study agreement, you will be enrolled in the chosen study program and receive the enrolment documentation (including proof of enrolment, digital identity for IT services, student ID number and so forth).
More information about Enrolment in Undergraduate Study at the University of Maribor is available at my.UM.
postgraduate programmes
Tourism destinations and experiences (M.A.)
At the same time, we also enable master's students to do practical work in connection with their own tourism experience, as they organize a professional excursion themselves.
Contemporary tourism studies (Ph.D.)
The aim of the third-cycle study programme is to form a profile of a doctoral candidate who will be qualified to conduct research in the tourism sector and capable of managing tourism development projects and who will direct the future development of tourism through critical reflection.
- English
- Ljubljana (English programme)
Master of Arts, M.A.
Programme highlights:
Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D.
€ 4490 per academic year (part-time study programme)
Please note: the information below is relevant for candidates from non-EU Member States and candidates with a foreign previous education. Slovenian and EU citizens please take a look here.
For detailed information, please see the Call for Enrolment in the 2nd and 3rd cycle study programme at the Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor, which is available below.
Candidates who completed the following may apply for the Master's study programme Tourism Destinations and Experiences:
In an international environment, sufficient mastery of the English language is crucial for academic and professional success.
Fortunately, there is no English proficiency test required for enrolment.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria may apply for the Master's study programme Tourism Destinations and Experiences at the Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor during the application period, which is open three times a year.
The electronic application form on the eVŠ web portal is only open during the application period. After the deadlines, applications can no longer be submitted.
Application for citizens of non-EU Member States
I apply as:
- A citizen of non-EU Member State.
Application period | Brief instructions | |
1st | From 29 March until 31 May 2024 | Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll |
2nd | From 5 July to 6 September 2024 | Candidates may submit one application for a study programme in which they wish to enroll. |
For still-available places | From 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m. | |
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study | From 1 to 16 September 2024 |
Application for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship
I apply as:
- Slovenian without Slovenian citizenship.
Application period - masters | Brief instructions | |
1st | From 29 March until 6 September 2024 | Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll |
For still-available places | From 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m. | |
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study | From 1 to 16 September 2024 |
Application period - doctoral studies | Brief instructions | |
1st | From 29 March until 31 May 2024 | Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll |
For still-available places | From 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m. | |
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study | From 1 to 16 September 2024 |
Application for Slovenian and EU Citizens
I apply as:
- Slovenian or EU citizen.
- Citizen of non-EU member states, who is resident in the Republic of Slovenia and who is himself or at least on of his/her parents or guardians resident in the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes until the start of selection procedure.
- A person with recognised international protection status or as an applicant for international protection under the International Protection Act.
Application period | Brief instructions | |
1st | From 29 March until 6 September 2024 | Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll |
For still-available places | From 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m. | |
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study | From 1 to 16 September 2024 |
The text of the call that specifies which previous education a candidate can apply with for the postgraduate study programmes:
Applications for enrolment in 2nd-cycle study programmes at the University of Maribor have to be submitted online, via the eVŠ web portal.
You may submit the application with a qualified digital certificate, username and password or an account of the authentication and authorization infrastructure (Arnes AAI account).
Please note that the application is valid only if the candidate pressed the SUBMIT button in eVŠ, otherwise the application will not be submitted and will thus be rejected by means of an official decision.
In the application and admission procedures, applicants must submit all the evidence required for application, electronically through the eVŠ portal within the deadline of each application period.
After the deadline, changes and cancellations of applications are no longer possible.
Candidates are required to submit all the necessary attachments to the applications electronically through the eVŠ web portal. The instructions for the submission of evidence of fulfilment of the enrolment conditions are available here.
Scanned images or photographs of original certificates and other required documents are deemed to be evidence in the application and admission procedure that the enrolment conditions have been met.
Assistance with entering the application for enrolment (SI-PASS system) is available on e-mail: or by phone: 00 386 1 478 85 90 (from 8:00 AM until 22:00 PM CET during work days).
Required documents for application are (submission of documents is mandatory):
- e-copy or a photograph of an identity document based on the written consent of the candidate (citizens from non-EU countries submit their passports – candidate’s personal data page, where the name, surname, date and place of birth and nationality should be indicated).
- e-copy or a photograph of the certificate(s) of education which the candidate wants to be recognized for consideration in the application and selection procedure.
- e-copy or a photograph of a court-certified translation of the education certificate into Slovene or English. If the candidate is required to send a translation of the document, they will be invited to do so at a later stage on the eVŠ web portal.
- e-copies or photographs of the contents and duration of education and of the fulfilled study requirements during education. If the candidate is required to send a translation of the document, they will be invited to do so at a later stage on the eVŠ web portal.
- e-copy or a photograph of a short chronological description of the entire education relevant to the application procedure for enrolment and recognition of foreign education (write down by year the course of your education in a few sentences).
- additional evidence: the education recognition authority may require the applicant to provide additional evidence if this is necessary to assess the application. In this case, the candidate will be invited to provide it later through the eVŠ portal.
After receiving the application and all the required documentation the University of Maribor will start the recognition of foreign education procedure.
The authenticity of a copy of the education document will be checked with the issuer of the original document or the competent authority of the country of origin of the document by the higher education institution. In the event that the higher education institution is unable to confirm the authenticity of the document, you will be required to provide us with the original documents, as stated below:
Candidates with documents issued in countries, signatories to bilateral agreements (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, R of N. Macedonia, R of Serbia) with the Republic of Slovenia and documents issued in the Republic of Croatia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary and Romania, must submit the original certificate.
Applicants with documents issued in the Hague Convention countries, must submit the original certificate legalized by an Apostille.
Applicants with documents issued in Non-Hague countries (that have not signed bilateral agreements with the Republic of Slovenia and are not signatories of the Hague Convention) must verify their certificates in International Transport Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 9/17).
The process of obtaining the decision on recognition of foreign education will start together with the application submission for enrolment to the first year of study on the eVŠ application portal (application for enrolment will also be treated as the application for recognition of foreign education if the candidate will state in his study application form that he finished his previous education outside of Slovenia and does not yet have a Decision on recognition of certificates obtained abroad).
1st application period: Faculties shall enrol candidates admitted in the first application period by the internal deadline set by each relevant faculty, however, no later than 1 July 2024.
2nd application period: Faculties shall enrol candidates admitted in the second application period by the internal deadline set by each relevant faculty, however, no later than 30 September 2024. If a candidate files a request for an extension of the enrolment deadline for legitimate reasons (to be decided on by competent faculty bodies), the enrolment deadline may be extended to 30 October 2024 at the latest.
Study programme | Tourism Destinations and Experiences - 2nd Cycle | Contemporary Tourism Studies - 3rd Cycle |
English programme (for academic year 2025/2026) | € 4850 per academic year | / |
Full-time (Slovenian language, academic year 2025/2026) | € 3980 per academic year | € 4490 per academic year |
English study programmes:
Tuition fees are mandatory for all candidates, regardless of nationality.
Slovenian study programmes:
In accordance with Article 72a of the Higher Education Act (ZViS), citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other European Union Member States are NOT charged the costs of tuition fees for state-approved 1st-cycle study programmes implemented as full-time studies and provided as a public service. The same applies to citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, as well as citizens of countries with which the Republic of Slovenia signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of education (i.e. Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia).
A - državljani/ke Republike Slovenije in državljani/ke držav članic Evropske unije;
B - državljani/ke držav nečlanic Evropske unije, ki imajo stalno bivališče v Sloveniji in so sami/e ali njihovi starši rezidenti RS za davčne namene;
C - osebe s priznanim statusom mednarodne zaščite in prosilci/ke za mednarodno zaščito.
Kandidati/ke naj bodo pri izpolnjevanju prijave pozorni/e , da izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo izpolnjevali/-e pogoje za vpis v posamezni študijski program, sicer se jim študijska želja ne bo upoštevala!
Kandidati/ke lahko v prvem in drugem prijavnem roku po prednostnem vrstnem redu izberejo največ tri študijske programe, v katere se želijo vpisati in za katere izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo do rokov, objavljenih s tem razpisom, izpolnjevali/e pogoje za vpis.
Pomemben je vrstni red izbranih študijskih programov, saj bo pod pogoji, ki so v tem razpisu navedeni v poglavju o izbirnem postopku, kandidat/ka uvrščen/a v prvi študijski program, za katerega bo izpolnil/a vse pogoje.
A - ki se niso prijavili v 1. roku;
B - ki se niso uvrstili v noben študijski program;
C - ki se niso vpisali v noben sprejeti program;
Drugo prijavo za vpis lahko oddajo tudi tisti, ki so se po prvem prijavnem roku vpisali v sprejeti študijski program, vendar so se iz njega izpisali do 17. 8. 2021.
Rok za zapolnitev še prostih vpisnih mest:
V tem prijavnem roku se na prosta vpisna mesta lahko prijavijo kandidati, ki se niso prijavili v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku ali se niso uvrstili v nobenega od v prvi ali drugi prijavi naštetih študijskih programov, in kandidati, sprejeti v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku v študijski program, ki se ne bo izvajal.
V sklopu razpisa za vpis na Fakulteto za turizem v študijskem letu 2021/22 objavljamo naslednje dokumente:
Za več informacij o prijavi in vpisu na Fakulteto za turizem Univerze v Mariboru pridobite na spletni strani moja.UM ali nas kontaktirajte na e-naslov
After submitting the completed enrollment form and signed study agreement, you will be enrolled in the chosen study program and receive the enrolment documentation (including proof of enrolment, digital identity for IT services, student ID number and so forth).
More information about Enrolment in Postgraduate Study at the University of Maribor is available at my.UM.