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study tourism

Who are we? 

The Faculty of Tourism (FT) is part of the University of Maribor, which is the 2nd largest and 2nd oldest University in Slovenia (Europe) and is ranked among the top four percent of the most prestigious universities in the world on international scales. We offer internationally accredited study programmes and diplomas, credit-evaluated studies, research options, up-to-date knowledge, international experience, a quality study and living environment and personal approach.
The Faculty of Tourism offers 4 different study programmess in Slovenian. Two of them, Contemporary Tourism Practices (undergraduate - professional program, 1st cycle) and  Tourism Destinations and Experiences (postgraduate master’s program – 2nd Cycle) are also taught in English.

Where are we?

We are located in Slovenia, in the heart of Europe, which offers an excellent starting point for your study, work and leisure, including travel, research, sports and socializing. Slovenia is known as a safe and well-regulated country, with friendly people, unspoiled nature, and excellent cuisine, and is a great example of a green boutique tourist destination that will surely enchant you.

The main Faculty is located in Brežice, where the Faculty administration is also located and where we conduct full-time studies in Slovenian.

The English study programmes are carried out at the remote unit in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana at the Student Campus.

Why study at Faculty of Tourism?

Boutique-style faculty and quiet study environment.
Emphasis on a personal approach and quality interpersonal relationships.
Internationally accredited study programmes, updated in 2020 and credit-evaluated study.
Two English programmes: Contemporary Tourism Practices and Tourism Destinations and Experiences.
Gaining practical experience through tutorials, field work, internships and study exchanges.
Student status, enabling the right to work, subsidized meals, transportation, etc.
Experienced lecturers with an emphasis on personal approach and innovative learning methods.
Free full-time study and favorable tuition fees for part-time programmes.
Endless career possibilities.

our students about us

  • Being lucky to get picked up from the airport by the Dean and getting all help to overcome all the obstacles, all the members of FT Team work with their heart and serve such great hospitality to the international students. Lectures are divided into two parts, main lecture and tutorials, even if you miss the main lecture, never miss the tutorials. The course is more practically oriented not just theoretical, and that's what I love the most. 

    Studying in Slovenia was entirely a different experience for me. Unlike the common study destinations, Slovenia is a unique country for international students. Slovenia and FT UM will be always in my heart, “The Home Away from Home”.

    Sona Shaji, India
    Graduate of Professional Study Programme Tourism (English programme – 1st Cycle)
  • I enrolled at the Faculty of Tourism mainly because of the many practical training and study programs that follow the trends in tourism. As a foreign student in a higher education program in tourism, it was a bit complicated to listen to a foreign language (Slovenian) at first, but with the help of professors and assistants, everything quickly calmed down and began to run its course. We also had a Slovenian language course organized by the Faculty. There is a pleasant atmosphere at the lectures and that is why we get a lot of knowledge that we will definitely need in the future. 

    Due to the small size of the Faculty, the lecturer's approach to the student is more individual. Even in college, everyone is friendly and every problem is solved quickly. Create your future and become a FTrganec! :)

    Radovan Ćopić, Serbia
    Student of Professional Study Programme Tourism (Slovene Programme, 1st Cycle)
  • My studies at FT UM turned out to be deeper than I expected. All professors provide extensive coverage of their subjects. Learning is not easy, but it only grows the desire to learn new things. 

    I am very happy with the opportunity to study online as I am not currently in Slovenia. All classes are perfectly organized, professors instruct in detail about the tasks for the semester, provide all the necessary materials for studies, and conduct classes in an involving way. Therefore, we should only absorb knowledge.

    Yana Fedyushkina, Rusia
    Student of Professional Study Programme Contemporary Tourism Practices (English programme, 1st Cycle)
  • I am from the northern part of India and now I am in my final year. 

    I would like to share my experience with all students who want to come to the Faculty of Tourism that they can come without any fears. 

    Actually I am the only girl in my class and I feel so proud of myself. University has played a very important role in my life because in these two years I got a lot of new experiences in my life, new knowledge and also education.

    Kuljeet Kaur Sidhu, India
    Student of Student of Professional Study Programme Tourism (English programme, 1st cycle) 

specifics of the study programmes

Field tutorials

Field tutorials are part of the study process of all study programmes. Students go to a location with a professor or teaching assistant, sometimes for several days, to see examples of good practices in the field of tourism and tourism-related activities. Students look at individual examples: tourist destinations, the range of services, attractions, tourist products, and might also sample them. Based on the experience and in accordance with the course plan, they complete part of their study obligations for instance with a seminar or project assignment, where they propose their ideas and solutions.

Student projects

Students of the Faculty of Tourism are often involved in the research and project work of the faculty. By working on projects, they gain valuable experience, make acquaintances, connect with organizations from the economy and non-economy, with students from other faculties and acquire practical knowledge in their field of study. Also, students are often paid to work on projects, which is undoubtedly an additional incentive.


You cannot learn about tourism in the classroom only, you have to experience it. This is the reason why internships are mandatory part of the professional and academic study programmes. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to do an internship in the concluding year(s) of study by working in a company or organization in the field of tourism, where they gain invaluable experience as well as integrate learned theory from lectures and tutorials into practice. As part of the  subjects Practicum 1, 2 and 3, master's students organize and carry out a trip, go to the field and carry out several analyzes of destinations.
more about internship

International mobility

The Erasmus+ programme or CEEPUS programme mobility component enables higher education students to study for part of their degree or pursue a traineeship in a European or other associated countries for a fixed period of time. Students get partial financial coverage for the exchange and an unforgettable life adventure can begin! Our students like to take part in student exchanges, as is appropriate for tourism students. Also, our faculty has a wide network of partner institutions and greatly encourages student mobility!
You may also choose to do your internship abroad.

more about international mobility

study programmes

Undergraduate programmes 1st Cycle


Professional programme

Postgraduate programme  2nd Cycle


Master's study programme

 3rd Cycle

contemporary tourism studies (PH.D.)

doctoral study programme

undergraduate programmes 

The programmes are based on the most advanced content that is crucial for successful and long-term work in tourism. In addition to interesting theoretical principles, the programs emphasizes practical education, as well as mastering three foreign languages, intercultural communication, learning digital communication skills in tourism, the breadth and power of creativity in tourism promotion, the basics of entrepreneurship, and different areas of tourism.
The acquired knowledge is based on a programmes that includes the intertwining of different professional fields, enabling a high level of professional sovereignty upon completion of studies and the effective integration of the acquired knowledge into practice. At the end of studies, graduates are qualified for an operational position in tourism or running their own tourism company.
Professional study programme

3 years (6 semesters), 180 ECTS

Stay back period:
1-year minimum

Language of study: 
-  Slovenian
-  English

Location of study:
- Brežice (Slovene programme) 
- Ljubljana (English programme)

Title conferred:
Diplomant/-ka turizma
(Bachelor of Applied Arts, B.A.A.)

Tuition fee:
€ 4690 per academic year 2025/256 (English programme) 

Program highlights:
modern and diverse content, based on the most advanced content,
emphasis on practical education,
communication skills and working with people, 
developing creativity in tourist products,
3 foreign languages, 
560 hours of internship,
practical knowledge that qualifies you for work.
Employment possibilities:
in companies performing any category of tourism: thermal spa tourism, rural and mountain tourism, fair and entertainment tourism, sports and recreational activities, cognitive/educational and cultural tourism, gastronomic and wine tourism, wellness tourism, travel agencies;
in all companies where they appear as suppliers and co-creators of tourist products and services,
in public administration in the field of tourism at all local levels,
in regional destination organizations, regional development organizations, local tourism organizations, and tourist information centres;
as independent providers of tourism activities.
Academic study programme

3 years (6 semesters), 180 ECTS

Stay back period:
1-year minimum

Mode and language of study:
Full-time study, Slovenian

Location of study:

Title conferred:
Diplomant turizma;
Bachelor of Arts, B.A.

Program highlights:
in-depth theoretical and research knowledge of tourism,
acquiring knowledge for designing tourist products and managing processes,
understanding the role of tourism and connectivity with other activities,
3 foreign languages,
400 hours of practical work - internship,
an excellent theoretical basis for continuing studies at the master's level.
Employment possibilities:
in large or small companies engaged in specific tourism activities such as: thermal spa tourism, sports and recreational programmes, rural and mountain tourism, event and congress tourism, wellness and entertainment tourism, cognitive/educational and cultural tourism, and bathing and nautical tourism,
in companies for planning and searching for new forms of tourism and searching for alternative forms of meeting tourist supply and demand,
in travel agencies, public institutions, state administration bodies, and local self-government.



Please note: the information below is relevant for candidates from non-EU Member States and candidates with a foreign previous education. Slovenian and EU citizens please take a look here.

For detailed information, please see the Call for enrolment into undergraduate and second-cycle integrated master's degree study programmes in 2025/2026 academic year, which is available here.



To enrol in the first cycle study programme, candidates must complete the four-year secondary school education and pass the secondary school final exam. Candidates with a certificate of upper secondary education completed abroad must also obtain a Decision on the Recognition of Education Obtained Abroad, which will be obtained ex officio by the higher education application and information service.


In an international environment, sufficient mastery of the English language is crucial for academic and professional success.
Fortunately, there is no English proficiency test required for enrolment.


Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria may apply for undergraduate study programmes during the application period, which is open three times a year. The electronic application form on the eVŠ web portal is only available during the application period. After the deadlines, applications can no longer be submitted.

Application for citizens of non-EU Member States

I apply as:
- A citizen of non-EU Member State.

Application periodBrief instructions
1stFrom February 18 to March 18 2025
Candidates can submit their application for enrollment in the first year of undergraduate and integrated master's study programs EITHER within the deadline for candidates of non-EU countries OR within the deadline for foreign candidates from non-EU countries applying for study programs in English, but not for both deadlines simultaneously!
Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll.
The decision on the result of the selection process will be uploaded to the eVŠ portal for all candidates. Candidates with a valid application for study programs in English will receive the decision no later than July 14, 2025. All other candidates with a valid application will receive the decision no later than September 2, 2025.
2ndFrom 4 to 5 September 2025
Candidates may submit up to three applications. In each application, the candidate chooses one study programme for which he fulfills enrolment requirements. Candidates must submit all the required documentation directly to the eVŠ no later than by September 5, 2025.
For still-available placesFrom 24 to 25 September 2025 up until 10 a.m.
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study
From 1. 9. 2025 to 15. 9. 2025

Application for Slovenian and EU Citizens and for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship

I apply as:
- Slovenian or EU citizen.
- Citizen of non-EU member states države nečlanice EU, who is resident in the Republic of Slovenia and who is himself or at least on of his/her parents or guardians resident in the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes until the start of selection procedure.
- A person with recognised international protection status or as an applicant for international protection under the International Protection Act.
- Slovenian without Slovenian citizenship.

Application periodBrief instructions
1stFrom February 18 to March 18 2025
Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll.
2ndFrom 20 to 27 August 2025
For still-available placesFrom 24 to 25 September 2025 up until 10 a.m.
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study
From 1. 9. 2025 to 15. 9. 2025

Applications for enrolment in 1st cycle study programmes of the University of Maribor have to be submitted online, via the eVŠ web portal.

You may apply with a qualified digital certificate, username and password or an account of the authentication and authorization infrastructure (Arnes AAI account).

Please note that the application is only valid if the candidate pressed the SUBMIT button in eVŠ; otherwise, the application will not be submitted and will thus be rejected by means of an official decision. 

EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Enrolment application for study 
EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Instructions for completing the application  

In the application and admission procedures, applicants must submit all the evidence required for application, electronically through the eVŠ portal within the deadline of each application period. 

After the deadline, changes and cancellations of applications are no longer possible. 

Candidates are required to submit all the necessary attachments to the applications electronically through the eVŠ web portal. The instructions for the submission of evidence of fulfilment of the enrolment conditions are available here.

Scanned images or photographs of original certificates and other required documents are deemed to be evidence in the application and admission procedure that the enrolment conditions have been met.

Assistance with entering the application for enrolment (SI-PASS system) is available on e-mail: or by phone: 00 386 1 478 85 90 (from 8:00 AM until 22:00 PM CET during work days).

EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Enrolment application for study 
EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Instructions for completing the application  

Required documents for application are (submission of documents is mandatory):

  • e-copy or a photograph of an identity document based on the written consent of the candidate (citizens from non-EU countries submit their passports – candidate’s personal data page, where the name, surname, date and place of birth and nationality should be indicated). 

  • e-copy or a photograph of the secondary school final certificate that the candidate wishes to be recognized for consideration in the application and admission procedure. 

  • e-copy or a photograph of a court-certified translation of the secondary school final certificate into Slovenian or English. The candidate will be subsequently informed through the eVŠ portal to submit a translation of the final certificate if required by a competent authority. 

  • e-copies or photographs of evidence of the content and duration of education and obligations performed during education (annual certificates for all years of secondary school). The candidate will be subsequently informed through the eVŠ portal to submit translations of annual certificates if required by a competent authority. 

  • e-copy or a photograph of a short chronological description of the entire education relevant to the process of applying for enrolment and recognition of foreign education (short description in a few sentences, including the sequence or years of candidate’s previous education).

  • additional evidence: the education recognition authority may require the applicant to provide additional evidence if this is necessary for assessment of the application. In this case, the candidate will be informed to submit it later through the eVŠ portal.



After receiving the application and all the required documentation, the University of Maribor will start the recognition of the foreign education procedure.

The authenticity of a copy of the education document will be checked with the issuer of the original document or the competent authority of the country of origin of the document by the higher education institution. If the higher education institution will not confirm the authenticity of the document, you will be required to provide us with the original documents, as stated below: 

Candidates with documents issued in countries, signatories to bilateral agreements (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, R of N. Macedonia, R of Serbia) with the Republic of Slovenia and documents issued in the Republic of Croatia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary and Romania, must submit the original of the secondary school final certificate and certified copies of the 3rd and 4th year certificates. 

Applicants with documents issued in the Hague Convention countries, must submit the original of the secondary school final certificate (final exam, diploma) legalized by an Apostille and the certified copies of the 3rd and 4th year certificates.

Applicants with documents issued in Non-Hague countries (that have not signed bilateral agreements with the Republic of Slovenia and are not signatories of the Hague Convention) must verify their certificates of completed education (final exam, diploma) in accordance with internal regulations of a specific foreign country, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The stamp and signature of the authorized person of the Ministry of Foreign Affairsof a foreign country must be verified by the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Slovenia abroad, which is accredited for that country or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. 

Copies of the 3rd and 4th year certificates must be verified by a notary in your country or an official of any administrative unit in the Republic of Slovenia. 

The process of obtaining the decision on recognition of foreign education will start together with the application submission for enrolment to the first year of study on the eVŠ application portal (application for enrolment will also be treated as the application for recognition of foreign education if the candidate will state in his study application form that he finished his secondary education outside of Slovenia and does not yet have a Decision on recognition of certificates obtained abroad).

1st application period: All candidates with a valid application to study programs in English will be issued a decision on the result of the selection procedure by the 17th of June 2024 at the latest. To other candidates with a valid application, a Decision on t he result of the selection procedure acceptance will be issued until the 2nd of September 2024 at the latest. Candidates will be able to access the Decision on acceptance through the eVŠ portal. 

Foreign citizens are required to pay a tuition fee in accordance with the Regulations on tuition fees and accommodation in public student dormitories for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 77/16, 25/19 amd 56/22). Tuition fees are paid on enrolment at the faculty.

Study programme
1st Cycle
Contemporary Tourism PracticesTourism: Cooperation and Development
English programme
(for academic
year 2025/2026)
€ 4690 per academic year/
(Slovenian language, academic year 2025/2026)
€ 3330 per academic year€ 3420 per academic year
The amount of the tuition fee is set by the relevant educational institution. The list of tuition fees is available at:

price list of the university of maribor

English study programmes:

Tuition fees are mandatory for all candidates, regardless of nationality.

Slovenian study programmes:
In accordance with Article 72a of the Higher Education Act (ZViS), citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other European Union Member States are NOT charged the costs of tuition fees for state-approved 1st-cycle study programmes implemented as full-time studies and provided as a public service. The same applies to citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, as well as citizens of countries with which the Republic of Slovenia signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of education (i.e. Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia).


A - državljani/ke Republike Slovenije in državljani/ke držav članic Evropske unije;
B - državljani/ke držav nečlanic Evropske unije, ki imajo stalno bivališče v Sloveniji in so sami/e ali njihovi starši rezidenti RS za davčne namene;
C - osebe s priznanim statusom mednarodne zaščite in prosilci/ke za mednarodno zaščito.

Kandidati/ke naj bodo pri izpolnjevanju prijave pozorni/e , da izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo izpolnjevali/-e pogoje za vpis v posamezni študijski program, sicer se jim študijska želja ne bo upoštevala!

Kandidati/ke lahko v prvem in drugem prijavnem roku po prednostnem vrstnem redu izberejo največ tri študijske programe, v katere se želijo vpisati in za katere izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo do rokov, objavljenih s tem razpisom, izpolnjevali/e pogoje za vpis.

Pomemben je vrstni red izbranih študijskih programov, saj bo pod pogoji, ki so v tem razpisu navedeni v poglavju o izbirnem postopku, kandidat/ka uvrščen/a v prvi študijski program, za katerega bo izpolnil/a vse pogoje.

A - ki se niso prijavili v 1. roku;
B - ki se niso uvrstili v noben študijski program;
C - ki se niso vpisali v noben sprejeti program;

Drugo prijavo za vpis lahko oddajo tudi tisti, ki so se po prvem prijavnem roku vpisali v sprejeti študijski program, vendar so se iz njega izpisali do 17. 8. 2021.

Rok za zapolnitev še prostih vpisnih mest:

V tem prijavnem roku se na prosta vpisna mesta lahko prijavijo kandidati, ki se niso prijavili v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku ali se niso uvrstili v nobenega od v prvi ali drugi prijavi naštetih študijskih programov, in kandidati, sprejeti v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku v študijski program, ki se ne bo izvajal.

Razpis za vpis v dodiplomske in enovite magistrske študijske program v študijskem letu 2021/22 je izšel 9. 2. 2021. 
V sklopu razpisa za vpis na Fakulteto za turizem v študijskem letu 2021/22 objavljamo naslednje dokumente:

Razpis za vpis v 1. letnik s številom vpisnih mest na Fakulteti za turizem
Vpisna mesta za tujce 2021/22
Vpisna mesta za vpis v višji letnik 2021/22
Vpisna mesta za vzporedni študij in študij diplomantov 2021/22
Rokovnik prijavno-sprejemnega postopka za vpis v 1. letnik v dodiplomske in enovite magistrske študijske programe

Za več informacij o prijavi in vpisu na Fakulteto za turizem Univerze v Mariboru pridobite na spletni strani moja.UM ali nas kontaktirajte na e-naslov


After submitting the completed enrollment form and signed study agreement, you will be enrolled in the chosen study program and receive the enrolment documentation (including proof of enrolment, digital identity for IT services, student ID number and so forth).

More information about Enrolment in Undergraduate Study at the University of Maribor is available at my.UM.

postgraduate programmes 

Tourism destinations and experiences (M.A.)

The Master's study programme Tourism Destinations and Experiences is a study programme for all who want to deepen and consolidate their knowledge in the field of tourism and acquire new competences for research, planning, and designing innovative solutions for coherent tourism products in an international environment. 

At the same time, we also enable master's students to do practical work in connection with their own tourism experience, as they organize a professional excursion themselves.

Contemporary tourism studies (Ph.D.)

With the academic year 2022/23, we started to implement the 3rd level study programme Contemporary Tourism Studies. The mentioned doctoral study programme thus rounds off the entire study vertical at the Faculty of Tourism. 

The aim of the third-cycle study programme is to form a profile of a doctoral candidate who will be qualified to conduct research in the tourism sector and capable of managing tourism development projects and who will direct the future development of tourism through critical reflection. 
Master's study programme

- 2 years (4 semesters), 120 ECTS 

Stayback period:
- 1-year minimum 

Language of study:
- Slovenian
- English 

Location of study:
- Brežice (Slovenian programme)
- Ljubljana (English programme) 

Title conferred:
Magister/-ica turizma; 
Master of Arts, M.A. 

Tuition fee:
€ 4850 per academic year 2025/26 (English programme)

Programme highlights:
In companies where tourism is the main activity. The work covers the field of research, planning, management and administration of major tourism companies.
management training,
the emphasis is on acquiring knowledge of the strategic development of destinations,
aimed at creating creative experiences,
provides research opportunities
mentoring, individual approach, work in small groups,
practical content and field work.
Employment possibilities:

In companies where tourism is the main activity. The work covers the field of research, planning, management and administration of major tourism companies.
In the non-business sector or in local self-government services, they perform the work of managing regional destination and local tourism organizations and coordinating activities between destinations within the tourism sector.
At individual research and development centers in the area of state administration, specifically in spheres that are actively involved in the creation and offer of a tourism product. Further segmentation and rapidly changing demand for tourism products increases the possibility of hiring highly professional staff in the field of tourism.
Doctoral study programme 

3 years (6 semesters), 180 ECTS

Stayback period:
- 1-year minimum 

Language of study:
- Slovenian, English

Location of study:
- onsite (Brežice), online  

Title conferred:
doktor/ -ica znanosti (s področja turizma)
Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D. 

Tuition fee:

€ 4490 per academic year (part-time study programme) 

Programme highlights:

Up-to date programme aimed at in-depth research in tourism studies.
The emphasis is on acquiring knowledge for strategic management of people and processes.
Provides knowledge for independent research for significant social effects.
Mentoring and individual approach.
More information:
Interested candidates can arrange an individual informative interview with the intended mentor and the head of the study programme. Contact point:



Please note: the information below is relevant for candidates from non-EU Member States and candidates with a foreign previous education. Slovenian and EU citizens please take a look here.

For detailed information, please see the Call for Enrolment in the 2nd and 3rd cycle study programme at the Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor, which is available below.



Candidates who completed the following may apply for the Master's study programme Tourism Destinations and Experiences:

A 1st-cycle (bachelor's) study programme in one of the following fields: hotel, restaurants and catering (1013), travel, tourism and leisure (1015), social sciences (0388), business and administration (0488), sales (0416), marketing and advertising (0414), management and administration (0413), working life (0417), or geography (0314).
If a candidate holds a 1st-cycle (bachelor's) study programme in a field not specified under the previous point, they must take the bridging exams before enrolment. The bridging examination consists of the exams: Introduction to Tourism and Destination Management. Fees for bridging exams must be paid in accordance with the UM price list (the price for one bridging examination is € 122,10). All questions regarding the bridging exams should be sent to the Student Affairs Office (


In an international environment, sufficient mastery of the English language is crucial for academic and professional success.

Fortunately, there is no English proficiency test required for enrolment.


Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria may apply for the Master's study programme Tourism Destinations and Experiences at the Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor during the application period, which is open three times a year.

The electronic application form on the eVŠ web portal is only open during the application period. After the deadlines, applications can no longer be submitted.


Application for citizens of non-EU Member States

I apply as:
- A citizen of non-EU Member State.

Application periodBrief instructions
1stFrom 29 March until 31 May 2024Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll
2ndFrom 5 July to 6 September 2024Candidates may submit one application for a study programme in which they wish to enroll.
For still-available placesFrom 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m.
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of studyFrom 1 to 16 September 2024

Application for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship

I apply as:
- Slovenian without Slovenian citizenship.

Application period - mastersBrief instructions
1stFrom 29 March until 6 September 2024Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll
For still-available placesFrom 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m.
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of studyFrom 1 to 16 September 2024
Application period - doctoral studiesBrief instructions
1stFrom 29 March until 31 May 2024Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll
For still-available placesFrom 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m.
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of studyFrom 1 to 16 September 2024

Application for Slovenian and EU Citizens

I apply as:
- Slovenian or EU citizen.
- Citizen of non-EU member states, who is resident in the Republic of Slovenia and who is himself or at least on of his/her parents or guardians resident in the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes until the start of selection procedure.
- A person with recognised international protection status or as an applicant for international protection under the International Protection Act.

Application periodBrief instructions
1stFrom 29 March until 6 September 2024Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enroll
For still-available placesFrom 23 to 24 September 2024 until 12. p.m.
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of studyFrom 1 to 16 September 2024

Applications for enrolment in 2nd-cycle study programmes at the University of Maribor have to be submitted online,  via the eVŠ web portal.

You may submit the application with a qualified digital certificate, username and password or an account of the authentication and authorization infrastructure (Arnes AAI account).

Please note that the application is valid only if the candidate pressed the SUBMIT button in eVŠ, otherwise the application will not be submitted and will thus be rejected by means of an official decision. 

EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Enrolment application for study 
EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Instructions for completing the application  

In the application and admission procedures, applicants must submit all the evidence required for application, electronically through the eVŠ portal within the deadline of each application period.

After the deadline, changes and cancellations of applications are no longer possible.

Candidates are required to submit all the necessary attachments to the applications electronically through the eVŠ web portal. The instructions for the submission of evidence of fulfilment of the enrolment conditions are available here.

Scanned images or photographs of original certificates and other required documents are deemed to be evidence in the application and admission procedure that the enrolment conditions have been met.

Assistance with entering the application for enrolment (SI-PASS system) is available on e-mail: or by phone: 00 386 1 478 85 90 (from 8:00 AM until 22:00 PM CET during work days).

EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Enrolment application for study 
EVŠ WEB PORTAL - Instructions for completing the application  

Required documents for application are (submission of documents is mandatory):
- e-copy or a photograph of an identity document based on the written consent of the candidate (citizens from non-EU countries submit their passports – candidate’s personal data page, where the name, surname, date and place of birth and nationality should be indicated).
- e-copy or a photograph of the certificate(s) of education which the candidate wants to be recognized for consideration in the application and selection procedure.
- e-copy or a photograph of a court-certified translation of the education certificate into Slovene or English. If the candidate is required to send a translation of the document, they will be invited to do so at a later stage on the eVŠ web portal.
- e-copies or photographs of the contents and duration of education and of the fulfilled study requirements during education. If the candidate is required to send a translation of the document, they will be invited to do so at a later stage on the eVŠ web portal.
- e-copy or a photograph of a short chronological description of the entire education relevant to the application procedure for enrolment and recognition of foreign education (write down by year the course of your education in a few sentences).
- additional evidence: the education recognition authority may require the applicant to provide additional evidence if this is necessary to assess the application. In this case, the candidate will be invited to provide it later through the eVŠ portal.



After receiving the application and all the required documentation the University of Maribor will start the recognition of foreign education procedure.

The authenticity of a copy of the education document will be checked with the issuer of the original document or the competent authority of the country of origin of the document by the higher education institution. In the event that the higher education institution is unable to confirm the authenticity of the document, you will be required to provide us with the original documents, as stated below:


Candidates with documents issued in countries, signatories to bilateral agreements (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, R of N. Macedonia, R of Serbia) with the Republic of Slovenia and documents issued in the Republic of Croatia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary and Romania, must submit the original certificate.

Applicants with documents issued in the Hague Convention countries, must submit the original certificate legalized by an Apostille.

Applicants with documents issued in Non-Hague countries (that have not signed bilateral agreements with the Republic of Slovenia and are not signatories of the Hague Convention) must verify their certificates in International Transport Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 9/17).


The process of obtaining the decision on recognition of foreign education will start together with the application submission for enrolment to the first year of study on the eVŠ application portal (application for enrolment will also be treated as the application for recognition of foreign education if the candidate will state in his study application form that he finished his previous education outside of Slovenia and does not yet have a Decision on recognition of certificates obtained abroad).

1st application period: Faculties shall enrol candidates admitted in the first application period by the internal deadline set by each relevant faculty, however, no later than 1 July 2024.

2nd application period: Faculties shall enrol candidates admitted in the second application period by the internal deadline set by each relevant faculty, however, no later than 30 September 2024. If a candidate files a request for an extension of the enrolment deadline for legitimate reasons (to be decided on by competent faculty bodies), the enrolment deadline may be extended to 30 October 2024 at the latest.

Foreign citizens are required to pay a tuition fee in accordance with the Regulations on tuition fees and accommodation in public student dormitories for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 77/16, 25/19 amd 56/22). Tuition fees are paid on enrolment at the faculty.

Study programme Tourism Destinations and Experiences - 2nd CycleContemporary Tourism Studies - 3rd Cycle
English programme (for academic year 2025/2026)€ 4850 per academic year/
Full-time (Slovenian language, academic year 2025/2026)€ 3980 per academic year€ 4490 per academic year
The amount of the tuition fee is set by the relevant educational institution. The list of tuition fees is available at:

price list of the university of maribor

English study programmes:

Tuition fees are mandatory for all candidates, regardless of nationality.

Slovenian study programmes:
In accordance with Article 72a of the Higher Education Act (ZViS), citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other European Union Member States are NOT charged the costs of tuition fees for state-approved 1st-cycle study programmes implemented as full-time studies and provided as a public service. The same applies to citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, as well as citizens of countries with which the Republic of Slovenia signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of education (i.e. Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia).


A - državljani/ke Republike Slovenije in državljani/ke držav članic Evropske unije;
B - državljani/ke držav nečlanic Evropske unije, ki imajo stalno bivališče v Sloveniji in so sami/e ali njihovi starši rezidenti RS za davčne namene;
C - osebe s priznanim statusom mednarodne zaščite in prosilci/ke za mednarodno zaščito.

Kandidati/ke naj bodo pri izpolnjevanju prijave pozorni/e , da izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo izpolnjevali/-e pogoje za vpis v posamezni študijski program, sicer se jim študijska želja ne bo upoštevala!

Kandidati/ke lahko v prvem in drugem prijavnem roku po prednostnem vrstnem redu izberejo največ tri študijske programe, v katere se želijo vpisati in za katere izpolnjujejo oziroma bodo do rokov, objavljenih s tem razpisom, izpolnjevali/e pogoje za vpis.

Pomemben je vrstni red izbranih študijskih programov, saj bo pod pogoji, ki so v tem razpisu navedeni v poglavju o izbirnem postopku, kandidat/ka uvrščen/a v prvi študijski program, za katerega bo izpolnil/a vse pogoje.

A - ki se niso prijavili v 1. roku;
B - ki se niso uvrstili v noben študijski program;
C - ki se niso vpisali v noben sprejeti program;

Drugo prijavo za vpis lahko oddajo tudi tisti, ki so se po prvem prijavnem roku vpisali v sprejeti študijski program, vendar so se iz njega izpisali do 17. 8. 2021.

Rok za zapolnitev še prostih vpisnih mest:

V tem prijavnem roku se na prosta vpisna mesta lahko prijavijo kandidati, ki se niso prijavili v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku ali se niso uvrstili v nobenega od v prvi ali drugi prijavi naštetih študijskih programov, in kandidati, sprejeti v prvem ali drugem prijavnem roku v študijski program, ki se ne bo izvajal.

Razpis za vpis v dodiplomske in enovite magistrske študijske program v študijskem letu 2021/22 je izšel 9. 2. 2021. 
V sklopu razpisa za vpis na Fakulteto za turizem v študijskem letu 2021/22 objavljamo naslednje dokumente:

Razpis za vpis v 1. letnik s številom vpisnih mest na Fakulteti za turizem
Vpisna mesta za tujce 2021/22
Vpisna mesta za vpis v višji letnik 2021/22
Vpisna mesta za vzporedni študij in študij diplomantov 2021/22
Rokovnik prijavno-sprejemnega postopka za vpis v 1. letnik v dodiplomske in enovite magistrske študijske programe

Za več informacij o prijavi in vpisu na Fakulteto za turizem Univerze v Mariboru pridobite na spletni strani moja.UM ali nas kontaktirajte na e-naslov


After submitting the completed enrollment form and signed study agreement, you will be enrolled in the chosen study program and receive the enrolment documentation (including proof of enrolment, digital identity for IT services, student ID number and so forth).

More information about Enrolment in Postgraduate Study at the University of Maribor is available at my.UM.

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